Sunday, February 3, 2013


Hello Hello Hello!!!
My name is Megan Nielsen and I am the so-called "author" of this blog. As I'm sure you all guessed from the title, this is a place for me to document my soon-to-come experiences as a sister missionary! Since I took the liberty of using the "About Me" space to announce my call, I figured an introduction was in order. 
(P.S. This may or may not be the exact same introduction from my profile:) I apologize beforehand for my not-so-great writing skills!)

"I'm 20 years young and about to serve a mission in the beautiful land of New Zealand! I love big families and am the youngest in my family of 8. I was born in the freezing cold but have grown up most of my life in the hot heat of St. George, UT. I'm a big fan of sunshine, milk, bike rides, temples, anything red velvet, nature, and country music. I play the violin and piano and love all good music. As for other hobbies, I like doing pretty much anything, as long as I'm in good company:). As a missionary, I'm in-between my schooling at Brigham Young University and who-knows-what-school-next. I'm also a licensed cosmetologist with a special liking for haircuts and waxing. A few short weeks is all that separates my skills and fellow missionaries who will surely test and use them!"

I love reading about people but even more, I love seeing pictures of people! Maybe I'm the only one but I feel like I get to know someone better through photos than a lot of things (except face-to-face communication, of course, which is irreplaceable). So whether it's for your benefit or mine, here are some pictures of myself and the people that are most important to me!


  1. Megan!!

    Congrats! You are going to be SO fabulous. I remember when you first moved into the 35th ward, and I could just tell you were awesome :)

    Best of luck. You are great!

    - Nicole Laudie

  2. Are those the Rich girls in the second to last picture? I knew them when I lived in Las Vegas! Small world. :) But I love your blog. It's so inspiring. <3

  3. She was Fabulous, She served in my Branch.. well it was her first area, and she was awsome.
